Are you curious about the trains and buses that run from Palermo to Cefalů? Stay connected with us as we provide information on schedules, prices, and other useful details. Cefalů is a highly sought-after tourist destination, attracting people from all over the world for their vacations in Sicily.
If you plan to travel from Palermo to Cefalů, you can choose from several modes of transport available for this route, including trains, buses, and for those who can, cars.
For tourists arriving from afar and landing on the island by plane, the nearest airport to Cefalů is Falcone e Borsellino in Punta Raisi, Palermo. Once you arrive there, you only need to choose the means of transportation to cover the 100 km to reach the beautiful town of Cefalů.
Directly from the airport, you can opt to take a train from Palermo to Cefalů, passing first through the central station of the capital. The train will take you to Cefalů, where you will get off in the upper part of the city, which is very close to the town center. Moreover, the train ticket price is quite affordable, and in just 45/60 minutes, you will arrive at your destination. However, remember that the last train from Palermo to Cefalů departs at 9 PM. After this time, there are no more trains, and you will have to choose another means of transport.
From Palermo’s central station, there are regional trains available every day, every hour. These trains are very economical and get you to your destination in a short time, sometimes in less than an hour. Cefalů’s train station is very close to the town center and also a short distance from the sea.
How to Travel from Palermo to Cefalů? Here’s the Info
As mentioned earlier, there are various means of transport for those who want to travel from Palermo to Cefalů, one of which, and quite convenient, is the bus. There are plenty of buses to choose from, both private and public.
From Palermo’s central station, you can take the Sais buses, which operate lines from Monday to Saturday with various schedules. For more information, you can consult the Sais schedules on their official website.
An interesting feature is that the driver can make several stops before departing, picking up passengers at key points in the city, such as the port and the city center. If you opt for the bus as your means of transport, it will take approximately 60 minutes to complete the journey.
Where can you catch the buses in Palermo? You can board them right inside the train station, in a generally circular enclosed area where the buses have numbered bays. The bus station has a total of 10 bays, where passengers can board and alight.