How long does it take to travel from Palermo to Agrigento? This is the first question to ask when planning such a trip, even if only for a few days. The answer is simple: the distance is not very long.
If you are driving, the distance between Palermo and Agrigento is 129 km. It takes about 2 hours and 1 minute to drive from Palermo to Agrigento.
Palermo to Agrigento: Trains
- 2 hours 58 min: 11:40 – 14:38 (Departure from Palermo Centrale at 11:43)
- 5 hours 37 min: 12:05 – 17:41 (Departure from Palermo Centrale at 12:43)
- 2 hours 58 min: 13:24 – 16:22 (Departure from Palermo Centrale at 13:27)
- 2 hours 39 min: 14:40 – 17:19 (Departure from Palermo Centrale at 14:43)
- 2 hours 54 min: 15:28 – 18:22
Transportation for this route is managed by Trenitalia, and the train to take is generally the Regional one. This seems to be the best solution for this journey. The ticket price is usually 11.40 euros if booked in advance, and you might save a bit more.
Palermo to Agrigento: Buses
Taking the bus is also a viable option. The service runs every three hours and connects the two cities. The first departure is at 13:30, and the last departure from Palermo is at 19:00, arriving at Agrigento Centrale at 21:00. All services run direct with no transfers required and take an average of 2 hours. In this case, the ticket price is 13 euros.