Separate waste collection Agrigento: how it works, collection times and days

Are you aware of the importance of recycling in Agrigento? Let’s learn more about it in today’s article. How should waste be separated? Recycling involves dividing household waste based on its type, performing an initial sorting that allows for the correct recycling of all recyclable materials.

Recycling waste is vital for environmental sustainability, as it helps reduce the issue of landfills and their associated social and environmental problems. Through recycling, the amount of waste ending up in landfills or incinerators is significantly reduced, leading to environmental savings compared to producing new products.

For example, producing one ton of recycled paper requires approximately 400,000 liters of water and 5000 kWh less than producing the same amount of new paper, and it saves at least 15 trees, which are absolutely crucial for the health of ecosystems.

Recyclable materials are those that can be reused, giving a second life to the product. Here are some of the recyclable materials: Organic waste, if properly recycled, produces compost such as wood, glass, and paper, which have a high yield. Others, like plastic, have a much lower yield and are less cost-effective.

How is recycling done? It may seem easy, but recycling correctly is not as simple as it seems. To do it properly, it’s important to know some simple rules, so let’s look in detail at what to throw away and where.

Here is all the information on recycling in Agrigento

First, let’s continue with some useful guidelines for recycling, starting with glass, which should always be disposed of separately along with bottles, jars, glass vases, and glassware, which should be cleaned and rinsed, especially if they contained something other than water.

Paper and cardboard should be placed in the blue bag and include newspapers, magazines, used sheets, but also packaging and boxes, along with milk and juice cartons. It is important not to throw receipts into the blue bag, as they are made of special thermal paper.

Plastic should go in the yellow bag, including plastic bottles, yogurt pots, pasta packaging, and all snack or candy wrappers, such as chip bags and coffee packets. Finally, organic waste goes in the brown bag, which includes all food scraps, tea bags, coffee grounds, and used paper napkins.

For recycling in the city of Agrigento, the new schedule established on October 10 is as follows: organic waste is collected on Mondays; plastic on Tuesdays; organic waste and paper on Wednesdays; residual waste on Thursdays; plastic and glass on Fridays; and organic waste along with metals on Saturdays.

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